Sometimes, I think I lack the killer instinct when it comes to riding with Killer B s. Perhaps, I should try killing something that is not so tenatious and deadly, like butterflys or catapillars.
Then I can move up to wasps and hornets and try for Killer B s again :)
Seriously, I continue to ride with this group and when I get to the point that they no longer drop me will have to move on to something faster. A great group of people to ride with who put me in a considerable amount of agony every Thursday.
Earlier this week, I had a great ride with the Monday group at BGI south. It was pretty speedy and I ended up finishing in the first 3, then on Wednesday totally bonked (due to not paying attention to what my body was trying to tell me) and got dropped by a much slower paced group.
I am planning to do 2 100 mile rides this labor day weekend, so we will see how that goes. Tomorrow, I am going to try for 9 - 15 mile hilly loops down at the Morgan Monroe State forest or 6 hours, which ever comes first....... likely the 6 hours. Then on Monday am planning to ride with some of my JDRF team in the tour de loops in Brownsburg, IN.
I have been in the pool pretty regularly this week and it seems like 3 strokes forward and 2 strokes backward sometimes, but never the less every time that I get in the water, I am able to improve on something.

My plantar fasciitis is hopefully in control ($500 and a lot of pain later) and I hope to be back to running by Tuesday.